
In House Committees

At the French Chamber, our members are at the heart of everything we do. That’s why we have established sector-specific committees where industry experts can collaborate, share insights, and address key challenges in their fields.

Explore some of our in-house committees below.

Healthcare Committee:

Led by the French Embassy, this committee aims to promote collaboration and innovation in the healthcare sector. It seeks to address challenges, share best practices, and drive initiatives that improve access to quality healthcare!

Click here to learn more.

Human Resources Committee:

Ready to transform your HR practices and empower your workforce? Join the HR Committee's event, led by Empactive Solutions, where strategies and solutions to drive success will be shared.

Click here to learn more.

Communications and Marketing Committee:

Join the Communications and Marketing Committee's event, hosted by Behind The Scenes, where industry experts will share insights and actionable strategies.

Click here to learn more.

Women In Business:

This platform aims to support women leaders and professionals and provide a space to address gender-specific challenges, share resources, and champion women’s contributions to economic growth.

Click here to learn more.

CFO's Network:

The CFO Committee, led by Bank of Africa, provides a platform for financial leaders to exchange insights, foster collaboration and to empower CFO's to drive strategic growth and financial excellence within their organizations.

Click here to learn more.

Energy Committee:

This committee aims to shape an energy-efficient and future-focused ecosystem. Hosted by Imani Energy and Bowmans Law, we seek to advocate for policies that drive sustainability, and navigate the evolving energy landscape.

CEO Roundtables:

Are you a CEO interested in gaining valuable insights and sharing your concerns in a confidential setting? Join our exclusive CEO roundtables in partnership with Anjarwalla & Khanna | ALN Kenya to engage in behind-closed-doors conversations with industry leaders.

Workshops and Trainings:

This platform fosters continuous learning and capacity-building through various workshops and training programs. Designed to equip professionals and businesses with essential skills, these sessions cover diverse topics, from sustainability and innovation to business development.

Click here to learn more.